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specjalista w zakresie mikroprocesorów
Job offers
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Łukasiewicz – Warszawski Instytut Technologiczny
specjalista (regular)
expiration date of the offer
2025-01-29mandatory requirements
- Minimum 5-letnie doświadczenie w pracy w akredytowanym laboratorium na podobnym stanowisku.
- Umiejętności w zakresie badań, sprawdzeń i kontroli:
- w komorach korozyjnych i klimatycznych,
- tłoczności i odporności na uderzenie,
- przyczepności powłok (metoda siatki nacięć, metodą odrywu),
- pomiarów barwy, połysku i grubości powłok lakierowych
- badania właściwości farb ciekłych: lepkość, gęstość, badania substancji nielotnych.
- Umiejętność diagnozowania i usuwanie awarii w zakresie elektrycznym, hydraulicznym i automatyki.
- Przeszkolenie z zakresu Systemu zarządzania – norma PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025;
- Doświadczenie w sporządzaniu roztworów badawczych oraz gotowość do pracy w laboratorium chemicznym.
- Gotowość do wykonywania prac fizycznych, takich jak dźwiganie worków z odczynnikami chemicznymi czy przetaczanie beczek z wodą i roztworami badawczymi.
-job description
institute name
Łukasiewicz – Warszawski Instytut Technologicznyinstitute description
daily tasks
- Samodzielne lub nadzorowane przeprowadzanie badań laboratoryjnych.
- Prowadzenie zapisów z badań, nadzoru i kontroli aparatury
- Sporządzanie preparatów chemicznych przeznaczonych do sprzedaży.
- Sprawowanie nadzoru metrologicznego nad wyposażeniem pomiarowym;
- udział w badaniach biegłości/porównaniach międzylaboratoryjnych organizowanych przez uprawnione jednostki zewnętrzne;
- wykonywanie zadań zgodnie z posiadanymi upoważnieniami.
-Nie znalazłeś oferty dla siebie?
Chcesz do nas aplikować? Nie musisz wybierać konkretnej oferty pracy, po prostu prześlij swoje CV.
Why is it worth working with us?
High-budget projects, modern equipment and international research teams
– be part of Łukasiewicz!
working on ambitious
and prestigious R&D projects
We carry out ambitious research projects
with a large international scale and commercialization potential.
you will stand shoulder to shoulder
with outstanding scientists
4500 are already working with us
experts in various fields.
Modern research equipment
unique on a national scale
We work in 400 laboratories throughout Poland. Many of them are the best-equipped research facilities in the country.
many possibilities of
professional development
Execution of implementation doctorates, the Łukasiewicz Accelerator and numerous internal talent development programs.
We create a unique workplace for our employees
Life insurance
Private medical care
Multisport card
Co-financing of foreign language learning
Friendly working atmosphere
Preferential increases
Co-financing of trainings
Co-financing of holidays
Fruit days
Check if we are waiting for you?
Check if we are waiting for you!
In each recruitment process, we primarily look for experience, knowledge, skills and qualifications that meet the needs of a specific position. Do some research about our organization. Find out who we are, what our business profile is, what is important to us.
Verify the expectations contained in the job offer. Think about how your skills and experience fit into the profile of the position we are looking for. Answer the question of what you can gain from working at our Institute and what benefits will result from employing you for the Employer.
We support your ideas
With us, you can develop and finance your own R&D projects
through numerous internal programs of Łukasiewicz, m.in:
Łukasiewicz Accelerator
At Łukasiewicz, we support entrepreneurial teams in establishing capital companies. Thanks to a carefully prepared program, Accelerator participants learn from the best business practitioners how to set up and run their own startup. The finale of each edition is a public Demo Day, where teams present themselves to experts, investors and the media.
Łukasiewicz's Programs
Under this instrument, we finance promising R+D projects in key areas of the development of the Polish economy. It depends on the determination of our employees which of their proprietary solutions will receive significant financial support.
Łukasiewicz's challenges
Thanks to the Łukasiewicz Challenges system – a proprietary tool for connecting scientists with business – each Łukasiewicz employee can propose their own solutions to problems reported by entrepreneurs, which are then discussed on expert panels. Each week, we handle about 10 Challenges thrown by companies.
Database of Sources of Financing
A team of a dozen or so people is involved in looking for opportunities to finance the ideas of our scientists on a daily basis. Thanks to them, you can work on their development, without worrying about budget issues.